Fair Project

The Project

The project “EU Charter of Fundamental rights: Awareness raising and Instruments to promote a culture of Rights” (FAIR), is promoted by a a consortium of 9 organizations based in nine different EU countries – Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain. FAIR steps in the framework of  – is a direct response to the solicitations enshrined in the European Commission’s 2020 “Strategy to Strengthen the Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights“. This strategy, launched on the 20th anniversary of the EU Charter, outlines significant progress and persistent challenges in its implementation across EU Member States.

The Commission’s strategy proposes four key actions to strengthen the application of the Charter:

The FAIR project focuses specifically on the fourth action, aiming to increase public awareness of the Charter.

According to a recent Eurobarometer survey, only 42% of respondents have heard of the Charter, and just 12% understand its content.

Additionally, 60% of people desire more information about their rights and where to turn if their rights are violated.

Civil society organizations play a critical role, with 80% reporting that people seek help for rights-related issues.


The Charter has stimulated new EU laws for the protection of fundamental rights, increased its use by EU and national courts, and supported the development of bodies such as the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).
The FAIR project represents the practical realization of research activities conducted by consortium organizations acting as members of the multi-disciplinary research network FRANET of the EU Agency of Fundamental Rights (FRA). Thanks to the FAIR activities, the Consortium’s organization can make the most of  the expertise gained as FRANET partners to raise awareness about the Charter in various EU countries.

FAIR is aimed at mapping the gaps in the implementation and use of the EU Charter at country level, thanks to the direct involvement of key stakeholders (such as justice professionals, public institutions, civil-society organisations, human rights defenders).

The final goal of the project is to develop a a Toolbox, a practical tool to support Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), activists, experts, and other relevant stakeholders interested in launching campaigns on fundamental rights across the EU.

FAIR Objectives

Map gaps and barriers

by identifying obstacles to the implementation and use of the Charter at the national level in defending fundamental rights

Increase awareness

by educating the general population about the content and provisions of the Charter.

Promote community building

by encouraging networking among Civil Society Organizations, experts, professionals, and public stakeholders

Activities and Impact

FAIR activities include focus groups and communication campaigns to gather feedback on Charter implementation challenges and best practices, training and resources for civil society organizations and justice professionals, and community-building initiatives to strengthen collaborations and amplify the Charter’s impact.

FAIR also aims to improve understanding and practical application of the Charter, engaging key stakeholders and implementing public awareness activities to foster a rights culture in participating countries and ensure that fundamental rights become integral to the daily operations of all involved stakeholders.